Park Options:
1. Spider web park.
A large confabulation of robes form a giant spider web to climb. 85% Hispanic, the Salvadorians hate the Nicaraguans. Not sure of the rest of the pecking order but there is one. Good place to learn Spanish. People are very nice.
2. Duck Park.
You guessed it, there are ducks and geese all around a man mad reservoir. Mostly Eastern European men, I think with kids. The Russians wear track suits. The Armenians wear very nice polyester shirts and slacks. Their cell phones are glued to their ears. Also a large group of Hasidics and Indians. No one is friendly.
3. Rock park.
Surrounded by rocks and I think there is some "rock" sales going on. Mostly gang looking young parents. Looks like things could POP OFF when ever two kids decide not to share something and the parents move in to help. We only went here once.
4. Zoo Park.
Inside the L.A. Zoo. Mostly Hispanic, lots of gang tats, but also lots of security. Also a big schlep and not much shade. Upside, we get to see gagged animals and buy really expensive food.
5. Woodbridge Park.
That's it's name. Close to home. Very strange mix of people. More on this in the next blog.